Many of processing cores integrated on chip have high speed; Photonic Network-on-Chips is one of the simple methods to solve addressing problem in huge interconnection networks. For this reason, multiprocessing chips with high performance and high bandwidth are needed in future. Photonic Network-on-Chips is a new generation of Network-on-Chip which can solve the traditional networks limitations and has many advantages such as high communication bandwidth, low transfer latency and power consumption. On the other hand, Photonic Network-on-Chips has many challenges. Routing photonic data on photonic layer is one of the important challenges, because the path selection has influence to optical loss factor. In this paper, deadlock free adaptive turning models routing algorithm, circuit switching and different traffic pattern to reduce optical loss on photonic layer with 5port deadlock free router and 2-D Mesh topology is proposed. Finally, we compare our simulation result with similar algorithm such as dimension order XY routing algorithm and the resulted improvement is shown.